Appendix A: MATLAB Scripts and Functions
In this work, the accuracy of the infrared thermography measurements was investigated with sophisticated software, created in the MATLAB computational environment. In order to help users of the infrared camera to estimate the uncertainty of the non-contact temperature measurement for their own conditions, we present below the source code of the MATLAB programs applied in this book. It can be prepared by typesetting into the editor of the MATLAB environment or by digitizing with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software. The m-files should be located in the same folder as the MATLAB environment (e.g. in MatlabWork). The m-files were created as functions and scripts. Table A.1 lists the collected scripts, and Table A.2 the functions. Presented below are the procedures for calculating the accuracy of infrared thermography measurements. In calculations it is necessary to supply the measurement parameters from the.img file. For this reason, the first stage of the program is to input the name of this file (recorded with the infrared camera). This file must be located in the same directory as the suitable m-files. It must be emphasized that the plots generated with this software can differ from the results described in this book. This is a result of the different calibration and adjustment parameters and the conditions of infrared thermography measurement obtained by different infrared cameras.